AY 22/23
Sem 1 Materials
Specially curated for members of the SUSS Investment Group, these research materials should not be distributed to members outside the club.
Lesson 00
Introduction to Financial Markets and Instruments
Introduction to Financial Instruments
Introduction to Economic Indicators
Business Life Cycles
Introduction to Bonds
Primary and Secondary Markets
Introduction to Equity Research
Introduction to Financial Statements
Lesson 01
Asset Classes & Investment Styles
Introduction to Asset Classes
Investment Styles
Introduction to Valuation Methods
Introduction to Excel & Financial Modelling (IS Forecast)
Lesson 02
Financial Institutions and Capital Creation
Introduction to Financial Institutions
Capital Creation
Equity Research - Company Analysis & DCF
What to Include in Business Descriptions
Introduction to DCF Valuation
Lesson 03
Identifying Macro Trends & Indicators
Identifying Macro Trends & Indicators
Defensive vs Cyclical Stocks
Equity Research - Industry Analysis & DCF Recap
Industry Analysis & Frameworks
DCF Valuation - Summary & Recap
Lesson 04
Understanding Financial Statements (Income Statement)
Introduction to Income Statement
Equity Research - Investment Thesis & CapIQ
Investment Thesis
Introduction to CapIQ
Lesson 05
Understanding Financial Statements (Balance Sheet)
Introduction to Balance Sheet
Equity Research - Analyzing Risks & Relative Valuation
Investment Risks
Relative Valuation
Company Screening
Building Comps Tables
Comparison of Valuation Approaches
Lesson 06
Understanding Financial Statements (Cash Flow)
Introduction to Cash Flow Statement
Equity Research - ESG & Supporting Schedules
ESG Overview & Components
ESG & Valuation
Supporting Schedules
Lesson 07
Lesson 08
Fundamentals of Portfolio Management
Introduction to Portfolio Management
Asset Allocation
Efficient Portfolio
Classification of Ratios
Interpreting Ratios
Comparison to Peers
Lesson 09
Research Session Summary & Recap​
Introduction to Financial Instruments
Introduction to Economic Indicators
Business Cycles
Capital Structure
Primary & Secondary Markets
ER Process
Financial Statements
Debit & Credit Rules
Time value of Money
Financial system and Capital Formation
Financial Statements and Key Ratios
Financial Terms
Red Flags
Common Fraud
Portfolio Management
Asset Allocation
Efficient Portfolio
Equity Research - Summary & Recap of Valuation​
Summary of Equity Research
Summary & Recap of Valuation